The project was conceived with the aim of creating a correlation between classical-romantic and contemporary music on a theme, a red thread of conjunction, and was the winner of the SIAE-Classici di Oggi call for the contemporary cultured music commission ed. 2018/2019.
Music by F.Chopin, M.I.Glinka, P.I.Tchaikovsky, F.Poulenc, B.Bartok, G.Deraco, D.Venturi, A.Gottardo, C.Galante, O.Coluccino, F.De Rossi Re, M. Montalbetti.
All the songs are a reference to the night, by shape, by allusion, by inspiration, by style, by the intimacy of the writing. The night, dear to romantics, is revealed in the pages of Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Glinka, is hidden in the nocturnes of Bartok and Poulenc, is reflected in the works of Galante, Montalbetti (the work is intended as a tribute to Chopin) , by De Rossi Re (whose piece is a contemporary reinterpretation of Britten’s nocturne from 1963), lives in Venturi, in Deraco (Alea nocturne is an improvisation on indications of a random nature) and in Coluccino (a room of silence, rarefied sounds , “magic halos”, as the composer himself writes in the score).
Written for Ilaria Baldaccini and dedicated to her the pages by Mauro Montalbetti (Deux Nocturnes, au jeu des éphémères, 2019 – Work commissioned with the support of Siae-Classici di Oggi 2018-2019), Fabrizio De Rossi Re (Nightfall, 2019), Arduino Gottardo (Nocturne per fauno, 2020), which she premiered in autumn 2020 for the Lucca Festival Cluster. Also premiered, on the same occasion, is the piece by Daniele Venturi, ‘BCH’.
New CD – Notturni, released on May 31, 2021 for EMA Vinci Records.